Prices and conditions

Rules for fishing at the “Bozveliisko” dam for the year of 2024.

Prices and conditions

I. Terms and Conditions:

  • 1. ONLY fishermen with the appropriate equipment are allowed to fish, such as landing net for anglers, hook remover.
  • 2. The right of each fisherman to use up to three fishing rods.
  • 3. Only safe and reliable single-hook assemblies are used when fishing. Inline, safety and helicopter assemblies are required.
  • 4. Upon arrival, a mandatory meeting with the management to clarify the dam's rules of stay.
  • 5. Accommodation in sectors unloading of equipment and parking the vehicle in a parking lot designated by management.
  • 6. When leaving the dam notify management of luggage check.
  • 7. It is permissible to buy one fish weighing from 1 kg to 3 kg on a price list. Any fish under 1kg and over 3kg are returned to the dam after treatment with an antibiotic (except weedfish).
  • 8. Extracting the fish from the water is obligatory done with a landing net irrespective of its size. The fish is only touched with wet hands.
  • 9. When fishing for fish over 10 kg, the management must be notified. It is allowed to place the fish in the cradle until management arrives for the purpose of taking photos and keeping statistics.
  • 10. List of boat fishing sectors: 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 и 13.

II. Not allowed:

  • Parking your vehicle outside the pre-designated areas. No swivels on the line.
  • A. When fishing with radio-controlled boats, it is possible to mount the lead core followed by a monofilament of at least 0.30.
  • B. When fishing by hand it is a possible to use lead core, shock leader and monofilament of at least 0.30.
  • C. Use a safety clips, and quick links from reputable and proven producers.
  • 3. Catching fish for eyes and gills.
  • 4. Wear and use of weapons.
  • 5. Fishing after the expiration of the pre-set by the management of the dam time, namely:
    Summer time: from 6 to 20 o’clock
      Winter time: from 8 to 16 o’clock
      Not applicable for 24-hour fishing.
  • 6. Bathing in the water body.
  • 7. Cutting wood and shrubs.
  • 8. Loud music, loud speaking and disturbing the rest of the rest of the fishermen.
  • 9. Use of springs (feeders), traps, double and triple hooks, baskets, folded fishing net, parachutes, televisions.
  • 10. Single-hooked feeder is allowed.
  • 11. Transferring fish except to the landing net cradle with a wet carp mat or a suitable landing net.
  • 12. Holding fish in the keep nets unless it is for purchase. Only one fish weighing 1 kg to 3 kg (except weedfish) is kept in the keep nets.
  • 13. Use of rubber boats for powering and stretching.
  • 14. Electric grills and consumers with a total power of more than 1 kilowatt are not allowed in the caravan contacts.

III. Good-natured recommendations to fishermen

  • 1. Keep the cash receipt until leaving the dam.
  • 2. Always keep the landing nets wet - carry the fish to the weights with wet sacks or mats.
  • 3. Report to the management in case of presence of sick or injured fish.
  • 4. Every fisherman who has notified the management of a case of attempted fish theft, and this is proven, will receive a free caravan overnight stay.
  • 5. Carrying a swing and landing net mat.

IV. Personnel duties and obligations:

  • 1. The dam staff has the right at any time to perform control to comply with the rules. The offenders are immediately removed from the dam.
  • 2. The staff of the dam should be notified before packing the luggage and be present during the process. Any fisherman leaving the dam without calling is considered an offender and will not be allowed to fish.

V. Prices:

  • 1. Daily fishing – 30 levs
  • 2. 24-hour fishing only with advance order on tel. 0899 86 32 86 and reserving the sector – 40 levs
  • 3. Every fourth fishing (daily/24-hour) within a calendar month is free.
  • 4. Price for use of a caravan owned by the dam - the whole caravan no more than three people - 40 levs.
  • 5. Putting a caravan, a camper - 20 levs per fishing trip. Placing a tent is free.
  • 6. Barbecue, shed next to the guards equipped with electric hob, fridge and grill - 10 lv per person for 24 hours.
  • 7. Use of radio-controlled boats for powering and stretching permitted only on approved sectors marked with stationary reflective markers - free of charge.
  • 8. Cradle for rent for a fishing trip – 5 levs
  • 9. Landing net mat, sling rental for fishing trip – 5 levs

VI. Other:

  •    1. The fishing rules of Bozveliysko dam for 2024 are valid until December 31, 2024. The management reserves the right to make changes at any time.